The Indicator Report provides information about: court processing times; detention rates; trends in major crime and incarceration; conviction rates; prison sentences for firearms charges; use of mental health and drug treatment courts; and cases handled by type of indigent defense provider. The data comes from City agencies, the courts, and the non-profit Criminal Justice Agency.
Among its findings, the report shows how major crime among both adults and juveniles has been steadily declining even while our jail and juvenile detention populations have also declined. This runs counter to national trends over the last decade where the incarceration rate has increased by five percent. The Indicator Report also highlights dramatic reductions in school crime. Since the City created Impact Schools as a crime reduction strategy in the 2003-2004 school year, crime in the schools is down by 33 percent, with major crime and violent crime declining over 40 percent each.
Other Findings in the Indicator Report:
-New York County had the lowest release rate for felony defendants who presented with the highest risk of failing to return to court.
-Citywide, new felony cases decreased by 22 percent between 2000 and 2011, but the number of cases pending in court over 180 days roughly doubled.
-Queens County had the highest conviction rate for defendants arrested for felonies and violent felonies.
-Richmond County had the highest conviction rate at trial in felony cases.
-New York County had the highest incarceration rates for felony arrests and violent felony arrests.
-Since 1999, major crime has declined by 46 percent and the City’s jail population has declined by 30 percent.
-The percentage of defendants arrested for illegal possession of a loaded firearm who were sentenced to prison varied by county and was approximately 50 percent citywide.
-Citywide, about 5% of felony cases were resolved with a trial.
-Kings County sends the most defendants to drug treatment courts.
-Queens County and Kings County send the most defendants to mental health treatment courts.
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