Drug Crimes Attorney in New York City

In 2009, judges were able to have more discretion in sentencing. Judges have been able to send more offenders to treatment programs, instead of prison, without having to get consent from the prosecutor. Unfortunately, New York still has some of the country’s toughest drug laws. Mr. Petrus a drug crimes attorney in New York can help you.

There are alternatives to incarceration. New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services works to re-integrate offenders into the community. Treatment programs can be a successful and effective way to place offenders back into the community and minimize their chances of offending again. New York currently has 119 substance abuse treatment programs.

Drug courts are another alternative to incarceration and they promote treatment and rehabilitation. During the program, you are typically counseled, you undergo frequent drug testing, and you will make regular court appearances for a period of about 12 months. Those that comply with all of the drug court terms may have their sentences reduced, probation rescinded, or charges dismissed. Mr. Petrus has worked with these programs in New York, Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx, and Brooklyn, and in federal matters, in the Southern and Eastern District and in Newark.

Contact a NYC Criminal Defense Attorney

If you have been charged with a drug crime, contact NYC criminal defense attorney Paul D. Petrus Jr. today. Drug offenses attorney Mr. Petrus will explain how you can participate in these programs which have shown to be beneficial and are a much better alternative than incarceration.

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