by Paul D Petrus Jr | Jun 11, 2014 | Sex Crime
Sexual assault includes any type of unwanted physical contact and may include aggressive, sexually suggestive statements. Click here for more information. For any kind of criminal related case. Call Paul D. Petrus Jr. on 212.564.2440 or Email at [email protected]... by Paul D Petrus Jr | May 7, 2014 | Criminal Defense, Sex Crime
If a person aged 17 or older engages a child of age 14 or less in sexual acts for two or more times during the period of 30 or more days, then it is “continuous sexual assault” of a child. The state of New York does not treat sex crimes lightly. If a person is... by Paul D Petrus Jr | May 4, 2014 | Sex Crime
Child pornography is the illegal use of children in pornographic pictures or films. It may be simulated child pornography or produced with the direct involvement of the child. If you are convicted of child pornography in New York, then you should immediately contact... by Paul D Petrus Jr | May 4, 2014 | Sex Crime
Sex crime is illegal or forced sexual conduct against another individual. Sex crime in New York can lead to serious charges and major penalties. One of the serious penalties for sex crime is registration as a sex offender, which can restrict you from obtaining certain... by Paul D Petrus Jr | Apr 3, 2014 | Sex Crime
The New York penal Code has a variety of crimes relating to sexual touching of both adults and children.”Sexual abuse”, also referred to as “molestation”, is forcing undesired sexual behavior.When that force is immediate, of short duration, or... by Paul D Petrus Jr | Sep 4, 2013 | Sex Crime
Child Sexual Abuse, also commonly known as Child Sexual Molestation, can be defined as an adult or older adolescent using a child for sexual stimulation. There are many forms of Child Sexual Abuse, as well as many contributing factors that make the circumstances of...