Multiple DWI Convictions in NY Might Lead to Permanent License Revocation

If your license was revoked for a DWI in NY, then you can get your license returned in a few months based on the situation. But if you are charged with multiple DWI offenses, then you cannot get your license returned.

Conditions that Might Lead to Permanent License Revocation

The following conditions can lead to permanent license revocation:


  • 1. Anyone who has 5 or more DWI offenses cannot get their license back.



  • 2. Anyone who has 2 or 3 DWI offenses in the past 25 years with one serious driving offense will not get their license returned.



  • 3. Motor vehicle drivers who are convicted of a second DWI will face permanent revocation of their license.



  • 4. Motor vehicle drivers who refuse a breathalyzer test for the second time face permanent revocation of their license.



  • 5. Motor vehicle drivers who are convicted for the second time of possession of a controlled substance face permanent license revocation.


DWI Attorney in NY

If you are convicted of a DWI offense in NY, then contact an experienced DWI attorney. Attorney Paul D. Petrus Jr., a DWI attorney in NY has years of experience handling drug related offenses in NY. He will work hard on your behalf for the best outcome. Call 212.564.2440 for a free consultation with Attorney Paul D. Petrus Jr.

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